Wednesday, June 30, 2010

The Players....literally.

With this newfound "devil may care" attitude, I've already got a few gents lined up. Mostly "flashback" gentlemen that I've been involved with before, but interesting none the less.

Millionaire - Yes. He's back. In an effort to keep from going all crazypants on the last Match guy I dated, I texted him in a moment of weakness. (1 bottle of wine + Sting concert = weakness) He responded. He's been bugging me to hang out but in typical Millionaire fashion: texting me at 7:30 the night he wants to see me (and by see me I mean "get laid"). So far I've ignored these advances. The second he invites me to hang out by his infinity pool however? Game on.

SEAL - 5 years ago I met a Navy Seal at a military conference in DC where I was working. (I worked for the feds at the time, and let me tell you, the feds = GREAT dating pool. Unfortunately the majority of the candidates will wax poetic about Bush...and not in a good way, if you get my drift.) I went on one date with him, met his friend, and somehow ended up in a relationship with his friend for a year. Whoops! Out of NOWHERE, the original SEAL contacted me last week. Turns out he moved to England and is coming back to LA for a visit. We emailed back and forth a bit and he seems like less of a douchebag than he was so I invited him to visit. As long as he understood that there was to be NO AGENDA upon his arrival. At least not til he got a cocktail...or me. He agreed. He even puts up with me when I call him Father Time(he's a whopping 9 years older than me). He has been mistaken for Bradley Cooper, he's in Navy Seal shape, and he's coming to stay with me for 3 days. WIN.

There is also a random (RICH) producer I'm talking to from my Match days, but he may prove just to be good for some day drinking of fancy wine. And I'm ok with that.

I went through this phase - Am I gay? Am I straight? And then I realized... I'm just slutty. Where's my parade?,

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