Tuesday, September 15, 2009

And so it begins.

So it's been a few days and I've been up to my ears in emails. That's great, right? Clearly the profile wasn't as bad as I thought, huh?

Well let's look at some emails, shall we?

To: LL
From: ClosingTheBarDown

Can I bring you in for show and tell?


Um, WHAT? I x out of the email and re-open it hoping this was some kind of trick my eyes were playing on me. Nope. A grown man actually said this. If I was of child like proportions maybe this would make more sense, but, being tall and womanly, this just creeps me out. I know I said I'd date every guy that contacted me but I fear one day I'll see this guy helping himself to lemonade and cookies on "To Catch a Predator." Next!

To: LL
From: SonOfGod

Hey! How's it going?

ACK. This experiment is starting out so disastrously wrong. Jesus and I haven't really spoken in years, so anyone hyper religious isn't for me. This is in no way a judgement on their choice, it's just not my thing and I don't really feel comfortable around super religious folks. As you'll see, I'm much more logical and pragmatic and have a hard time suspending disbelief. Probably why I hate every Kate Hudson/Matt McConnaughey movie ever made. Come on, third time's the charm.....

To: LL
From: Fireflies

Hi Miss Aries, how's it going?


OK, one line email which is annoying, but at least he sounds NORMAL. I look at his profile and he's easy on the eyes as well, runs his own business, and is a bit short. Hey, he's short, I have a big nose, we work with what we're given. I respond.

After a few more hits and a few more disastrous misses (really, you're 52 and I'm in my 20's. I understand you're rich but hey, I ain't sayin' she's a gold digger....), I decide to call it a day. Now that I've cast my line into the dating pool it's time to sit back and see what takes the bait.

You lost me at hello,

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