Monday, September 6, 2010

The Others

I like to think that I'm the ONLY person who's ever done a blog about dating. I know that's not REALLY true, I just prefer to not think about my "competition", much like I prefer not to think about the other chicks a guy I'm dating is seeing. So, when thinking about these other blogs, I tell myself what I tell myself about the other women: clearly I am prettier, funnier, smarter, more successful, more laid back, skinnier...wait what?

Where was I?

Oh right, the other blogs. I mean, OBVIOUSLY I like to think MY blog is the wittiest, most entertaining dating blog out there. But every now and then I come across another writer with a similar voice who is witty and sarcastic as well as entertaining and introspective. Kristen McGuiness is one of those writers.

You can check out her blog/website here.

And Kristen is clearly all the things I am: pretty, funny, smart, successful, laid back....only she's all these things AND she has a book deal. Thus, I hate her.

I kid, I kid. Congrats, Kristen!

Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult,

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