Saturday, January 14, 2012

Saturday Night (online) Fever!

Sounds about right.
Online dating makes me want to be a psychologist.  It is FASCINATING to me the patterns that people have, what profile pictures say (and more importantly, don't say) about a person, and the things that people believe they require in another person to be happy.

I have also noticed some differences between online dating in my mid 20's and online dating in my late 20's.  When I first came online, around the ripe "old" age of 25, the majority of my activity would be between Monday and Thursday.  Even if I was home on a Friday night I wouldn't log on for fear of appearing to have no life.  (Narcissism, party of one, your table is now ready....)

However, now that I am fast approaching 30, times have changed.  Now I absolutely embrace my lame weekend nights at home, and it seems I'm not the only one.  While I have been looking at profiles tonight, a lot of the men I have been looking at have also been online.  I love this about getting old.  Gone are the days where standing in line to get into Drai's and thus leaving the online profile untouched for 3 days are "cool", now it seems many of my male counterparts are in the same boat as me: tired.  Now we've traded the VIP line for our laptops.  And it's awesome.

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