Thursday, January 7, 2010

OK this time? It's you.

I've been so busy with my self realizations and the holidays that Crossfit slipped to the back of my mind. Which was the idea, right? Since our chat when he told me I come on too strong I had only heard from him on Christmas Day when he texted me, and then on New Years, I texted him. No big deal, I figured he was done with me and more importantly, I was perfectly fine being done with him.

Cut to the other day. I was going hiking with a (male) friend but having cellphone trouble, so I put a message up on my gchat asking him when I was supposed to pick him up. I walked away from the computer and when I came back, there was a message from Crossfit. Casual conversation at first, and then, the real reason he IM'ed me became clear:

"So, is this Joe (my friend) your new guy?"

I wasn't quite sure how to respond to this. Part of me wanted to immediately reassure him that I still liked him, the other part of me was annoyed with his passive aggressiveness. So to be safe, I settled for the simple, "HA." (*I* knew the friend I had plans with was gay, but Crossfit didn't, which is why I found his comments amusing.) I remained illusive, said I had to go, and left, thinking nothing more of him.

Later that night I was online and he IM'ed me again. Typical man. I barely hear from him for 2 weeks but as soon as there's mention of another guy, he's back with a vengeance. We had friendly conversation and banter, and once again I was the one who ended the conversation. But before I could completely sign off, he snuck this generous offer in:

"If you're not doing anything tonight and want to come over and be naughty, I'd love to have you."

First of all, EW. I HATE when guys talk like we are children. Come be naughty? Gross. I laughed at him. Outwardly. And said not tonight, perhaps another time. Second of all, REALLY dude? You don't talk to me for 2 weeks and you think I'M going to want to come to YOU and hook up? Hmmm...on 2nd thought, based on my previous behavior, don't answer that.

I think nothing more of him and get on with my life, concerning myself with returning to work and playing catch up now that the holidays were over. Monday afternoon he IM's me again. Just a simple, "hey." I return the pleasantry and just as I hit "enter" to post my response, he has already posted this:

"I don't think I want the bf/gf thing with you, but I loooove who you are so I would really like to be friends with you if you want...."
"....and maybe occasionally you can rape me too."

I rubbed my eyes.

Nope, I hadn't imagined this display of patheticness.

He actually had the audacity to tell me he doesn't like me enough to be with me but he'd like to have sex with me occasionally.


Which is exactly what I typed back to him.

Somehow, I don't think I'll be hearing from this "friend" of mine again.

Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love,

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