Sunday, January 24, 2010

You down with the OB? Yeah you know me!

The date that I select as the opening ceremony for Round 2 is with Old Balls. (Whom from here on out I will refer to as OB just because I feel like such a jerk calling him Old Balls.) After exchanging an appropriate amount of emails he politely asked me for my number. We chat on the phone and make plans for later in the week. The morning of our date he texts me to reconfirm and tell me he's looking forward to it. I am a sucker for good manners so I am looking forward to the evening.

He picked a classy hotel bar that was 30 seconds from my house, which was kind of him since he lives in the valley, a good 20 minutes away. Again with the manners. He looked like his profile picture...for the most part. No, really, he did, but he also LOOKED more OB than I had perceived him as in his pics. Not like he was sprouting hair from his ears and had wrinkles like a shar pei...but there was just an air of "his forties" that he had to him. I felt like I was hanging out with a friend of my parents.

Conversation was pleasant, he didn't excessively drink, he complimented me and asked me questions about myself, he was interesting...but that click just wasn't there. I wish it was, because on paper he's perfect. He's successful, has 2 dogs, a house, a seemingly well balanced life of work and play...but if the click's not there, it's just not there.

I am a firm believer that the click CAN grow...but I also don't think the gentlemen doing online dating are looking for months of getting to know a girl before physical contact. When I meet someone considerably older than me in my daily life and we have regular interaction and THEN a relationship grows from that, that's one thing. But trying to build all of that from someone who's online looking for someone to date, not just be friends with, is a bit trickier.

He was kind enough to drive me home since my roommate had dropped me off at the hotel, and I didn't fear him as the stalker type so I felt ok letting him know where I live. He swooped in for a quick peck, which was, once again, the appropriate gentlemanly thing to do. He texted me when he got home and emailed me the next day. It oddly didn't feel like overkill, just courteous. I haven't quite figured out how to tell him I'm just not that into him. He's the first guy I had a date with who clearly didn't feel the same lack of click that I did. I don't want to hurt his feelings because he is a very sweet and good man....just not the right sweet and good man for me.

I'm just not that into him,

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