Monday, February 14, 2011

A Lawyer Walks Into A Bar....

Having hung up my online dating hat, it came time to try out my roommate's "fool proof" way of meeting dudes: by watching football. 2 problems with this:

1. Games on the west coast start way early. You want me in a bar looking cute by 10am on a Saturday? Not likely.
2. I care about football about as much as Lindsay Lohan cares about the rules of her probation. That is to say: I don't.

But whatever. I look cute in the Matt Ryan jersey my die-hard Falcons fan of a roommate got me for Christmas, so I decided it couldn't hurt to give it a shot.

We went to a southern bar in Santa Monica for the Falcons vs. Packers play off game. (WE HATE GREENBAY!!!) We were decked out in our Falcons gear and within 10 minutes of the game starting we had been invited to join a big table of rowdy Atlanta fans. Nobody cute there but whatever, unattractive dudes are still capable of buying me drinks.

Sometime during the 2nd quarter (inning? whatever.) a tall, dark, and handsome gentleman came in to meet his buddies who were sitting at the table next to us. OK so at first I didn't find him to be that handsome. And when he started cheering for Green Bay he became even LESS desirable. But this (and some vodka) made me comfortable enough to act like my usual tipsy, slightly belligerent self. I started giving him a hard time for cheering for the enemy and soon we were talking about anything but football.

Lo and behold I'd somehow stumbled upon a nice, seemingly genuine, smart, gainfully employed (as an attorney! Not a bartender!), guy in the middle of a bar full of sports fans. I thought this only happened in the movies!

We exchanged information and color me shocked, he texted me the next day to see if I wanted to hang out. Though of course, this being LA and me being jaded, this made me more suspicious than giddy. It was a three day weekend so when I said I wasn't available that day (Sunday) he asked what I was doing on my day off.

Easy there, cowboy.

I behaved like the shady guys I've dated for the past year and he called me out on it. He said he thought we were getting along great on Saturday but if I wasn't interested that's cool. I said that I was interested, just a little overwhelmed. Then he said, ok cool, you're in charge now. Now you're speaking my language.

So a date was planned for later in the week. I'm cautiously optimistic but really just hoping for some good blog material, not my happy ending. (err..not THAT kind of happy ending. Though I'd be ok with that. Maybe.) But since the universe loves to fuck with me, who knows what could happen? I'm just along for the ride.

Girls want a lot of things from one guy. Conversely, guys want one thing from a lot of girls,

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