Maybe it's because I'm not in college anymore, but for some reason during this experiment I decided to adhere to the "no sex til date 3" rule. I don't even know if this rule still is commonly used today, but it's the closest thing I've had to standards so I'm going to go with it.
Last night I had no intention of seeing Muscles. The sexual tension has been building a lot since Monday, but it's delicious. I forgot how fun actually getting to know someone and delaying sleeping with them can be! (God I hope none of my family members ever find this blog...)
I had spent the early part of the evening running some errands and got home around 9ish. My roommate and I were going to order sushi and catch up on our Dexter viewing but she wasn't home yet. I popped open a bottle of wine and had some time to relax before she arrived. Only thing is: I forgot I hadn't eaten lunch and had done a light workout post I was drinking on an empty stomach.
Two glasses later I was feeling a bit tipsy. I got online and was messing around when lo and behold who should IM me but Muscles himself. I become QUITE the flirt when I drink; in college my friends called me The Kissing Bandit because I'd make out with a new guy every weekend after a few beers. (Oh the things Milwaukee Beast could make me do....) I had a feeling I knew where THIS conversation would be headed.
Turns out there was some drama on his homefront because a car had been broken into in his building. Slick Rick that I am, I took this as my opening and asked, "Do you need someone to come over and keep you safe?" And he, being the oblivious man that he is, replied, "Unfortunately it's my job to keep all these clowns safe." I informed him that this was the wrong answer and he soon caught on. Next thing I know we're making plans for him to come see me. Broken in apartment complex be damned where there's the possibility of sex on the table! (um...not literally. I DO have a roommate you know.)
I know what you're thinking: yes, I was on a date with a different guy just the night before. Yes, this could be defined as "shady" but I prefer to think of it as "dating." This is the idea right? Meet a lot of people and figure out what you like and don't like and settle down with the person who has the most checks in the "like" column. Didn't Sex and the City teach us anything?
To keep a long story short, he came over and my expectations were lived up to. WOO HOO! And, ahem, I think his were as well, but far be it from me to brag about my sexual prowess. Even better, post hook up we laid and talked for awhile and had one of those nice bonding chats that makes a girl feel like less of a slut and more like she had sex with this person because he IS just that into you. His needy apartment people called him an hour later and he had to leave, which is absolutely fine with me as I tend to sleep terribly when someone else is in the bed with me. I swear I was a man in another life.
The "morning after" is always tricky but I'm not too worried. And thankfully, the first time we talk after hooking up will be via gchat which always makes things a little less awkward. So for now I'll just look forward to a repeat performance....or ten.
A liberated woman is one who has sex before marriage and a job after,
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